An update!
Hello once again! It has been quite some time since I last updated this blog, I know, but my owner has been pretty peevish lately and refused to let me use her laptop. I think it must be because she has been downloading some important files, perhaps. I couldn't get a good look at them because the laptop is pretty standoffish. It seems to have this idea that it is a superior piece of machinery than I am. I do suppose it is true, though. However, this just makes it more difficult for me to blog. No worries, though, I think its attitude is tolerable enough in exchange for the ability to post my thoughts online. Blogging is fun!
hello! i'm mich's (one of your owner's) friend and i thought you might be interested in meeting my pot. he's always in the kitchen though and isn't sure how to use a computer or even type, so here i am.
this photo's one of him with his pals, the saucepan and mineral water bottle. comments doesn't let me embed objects so here's the link:
as you can see, he's been through some tough commando-styled training by us and has a few battle scars.
5:22 AM
Oh wow! A new friend! thank you mich! Could you help me relay my greetings to your pot?
He sure has been through much more than I have. I somehow get the feeling I am being under-used. Oh well. I wish your pot all the best in his training!
3:47 PM
Ehehehehe np ;)
Who knows, you might be able to meet the other pot ;D
3:44 AM
Yes, perhaps that might happen one day, though my owner says she doesn't particularly relish the idea of bringing a pot outside. Oh well.
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